Sunday, August 8, 2010


My view on: Why I'm blogging, and why you should care

Hello there. Welcome to the first article from my new blog. I'm it's creator, Ivan Divino Jr. But you can call me JC. I'm 22 years old, and I live in northeast Iowa. Glamorous, I know. I'll be using this entry to tell you what you're getting into. So pay attention, and watch me go!

This blog serves one major purpose: To encourage and develop my writing skills. Every article that I create is going to increase my vocabulary, sharpen my wit, and place a few more creases in my gray matter. And I'm gonna do it by using my views and reviews as the subject. (Remember the title of my blog? Yeah, now you get it!)

“What are the views and reviews about, JC?” Well, they're about me. My perception of the world around me. My understanding of how things work. My stance on important issues, or not-so-important issues. As for the reviews, they could be about anything. But they'll mostly be about video games. Why is that?

As I told you, I'm working on my writing ability. You see, I've got a goal to achieve. I'm trying to become a journalist. But not just any kind of news hack! I'm doing my best to break into professional video game journalism. (So, if you happen to be a prospective employer, searching for eager young bloods, stop reading and contact me pronto by email, at!)

For as long as I can remember, I have loved video games. I still do. Ever since I watched my mom play the original Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System, I was hooked. I had to play. Get to the next level. Beat the next boss. Find every secret. In other words, video games are my earthly passion.

But it's not all about the games. Believe it or not, there's more to this world than flashing lights and multicolored buttons. This is where my views come in. To expand my horizons, I'll create separate articles that detail my opinion on dozens of real-world subjects. Homosexuality, computers, television shows, the outdoors, my personal history, love, friends, sea monkeys, or pretty much anything you can think of.

Let's be honest. I'm not going to become a gaming journalist. At least, not by myself. I'm going to need your help (and a little help from the Man upstairs). “But, what can I do?” you might ask. I'll tell you! If you've got connections to the industry, you can contact me and hook me up! If you're a professional writer, you can impress me with your knowledge. Even if you're a regular guy, like me, there's tons of ways you can help. Leave a comment on an article. Subscribe to me, if possible. Send me a link to interesting info. Have a debate with me. Give me some amateur advice, or possible ideas for topics to use in the future.

Hold on, wait a second. I almost forgot...we're on the internet. The most cynical, selfish place in existence (you know it's true, don't lie). What you're probably asking is “Why should I give a $@*7 about this n00b?” Here's a good reason: You and me are completely average. We can't make it on our own. We gotta help each other, if we're ever going to get anywhere in life. Face it, you don't have anything better to do. Do something productive for 5 minutes, and give a guy a helping hand. Don't worry, that youtube video isn't going anywhere.

Well, that's all for now. Hopefully, you've got an idea about me, and what this blog is all about. The legacy of Bombastic Views and Reviews starts here, and I couldn't be more excited. So, stay tuned, and let's see where this road goes. But, what road is it?
It is what it is.

- JC

1 comment:

  1. hummm I don't know about some of your other things Ivan I might think some of those topics might be a little big for you. I might be wrong though.

    Here are some pointers to the interwebs.

    You can't look at things just one way because there are a lot more people to say your wrong.

    Also seeing as your trying to impress people for a possible job then you will sadly have to be "politically correct" don't do or say anything to make you to risky to hire.

    Don't try to force yourself to do things let your creativity work with you (I know you can be creative and imaginative I have seen you do it.

    If you need any help or maybe a collaboration let me know and we can work together some time.

    also know your audience most of us interweberneter are stupid (ok not really) but try to keep things kind of simple.

    Other then that welcome to the webernets have fun and enjoy the ride
